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Welcome to Marseille for the 2020 meeting of the European Congress of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics (ECMRN) formely known as European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics. (ESMRN).
As in previous meetings, the day before the main event will be a precongress day dedicated to fetal, neonatal and infant brain. This educational day adresses basic and advanced topics in this peculiar field.
The congress is intended to provide review and discussion of diseases involving the pediatric brain as well as new trends and clinical applications.

The congress is designed for practicing radiologists whose work includes pediatric neuroradiology and those involved in neurosciences, neurology and/or related fields.
The congress venue is at the Medical School (Faculté de Médecine), 5 stops by subway from downtownVieux Port.
Abstract submission deadline is 26th november 2019