Profesor Srećko Gajović
srecko.gajovic@hiim.hrThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

GlowBrain djelatnici:
Boban Mirta, PhD
Brkić Lada, PhD
Ferhatović Hamzić Lejla, PhD
Lovrić Marija, PhD
Pavičić Josip, M.S.
Pochet Roland, Profesor
Pongrac Igor, PhD
Dr. Radmilović Marin
Renić Marija, PhD
Škokić Siniša, PhD.
Ulični Olja, M.S.

Moguća terapija bolesti mozga matičnim stanicama ovisi o njihovim mogućnostima opstanka i integracije u živčano tkivo. Inovativni biomaterijali podržavaju stvaranje 3D stanične mreže koje bi mogle poboljšati primjenu tkivnog inženjerstva za bolesti mozga.
Pod okriljem projekta GlowBrain (Svjetleći mozak, http://glowbrain.hiim.hr/), istraživači kombiniraju bioluminiscentno snimanje (BLI) i magnetsku rezonanciju (MRI) mišjeg mozga. Oni razvijaju i optimiziraju aplikacije matičnih stanica i biomaterijala u popravaku oštećenja mišjeg mozga nastalog nakon moždanog udara.

Multimodalno snimanje BLI i MRI omogućuje vizualizaciju transplantiranih matičnih stanica koje su transplantirane u mozak miša preko biljega kao što su luciferaza i super paramagnetske čestice.

Projekt zapošljava sedam iskusnih znanstvenika koji razvijaju vještine uzgoja i primjene matičnih stanica, biomaterijala i in vivo snimanja. Osim organizacije radionica i sastanaka, ove osobe stječu potrebnu obuku u sedam partnerskih organizacija projekta.
Za in vivo snimanje, istraživači su uređaj za MRI za male životinje (Bruker 7T), kao i uređaj za BLI snimanje (Spectrum, Perkin Elmer).
Paralelno, GlowBrain je zaposlio menadžera za inovacije. To olakšava suradnju s drugim sveučilištima i stručnjacima u području intelektualnog vlasništva.
Ciljevi projekta i aktivnosti su vidljive putem web stranice projekta, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/GlowBrainCroatia i YouTube profila, http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glowbrain. Osim toga, organizirana je Regionalna mreža za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama, koja se zove RegMed, u kojoj sudjeluju stručnjaci iz različitih, ali komplementarnih disciplina.

GlowBrain još ima dug put prema razvoju potpuno funkcionalne platforme za praćenje transplantiranih matičnih stanica u mišjem modelu moždanog udara. Njegov uspjeh pomogao bi istraživanju bolesti mozga i osigurao bržu komercijalizaciju rezultata istraživanja, te osigurao prvenstvo HIIM-a u regenerativnoj medicini. Ova svestrana platforma može biti u budućnosti prilagođena za proučavanje osim moždanog udara i drugih bolesti mozga, kao što su primjerice Alzheimerova bolest.

Partnerske organizacije EU FP7 projekta GlowBrain:

  1. Lund Stem Cell Center (LSCC), Lund University, Sweden,
  2. Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research (MPINR), Cologne, Germany,
  3. Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (PMU), Salzburg, Austria,
  4. Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Ancona, Italy,
  5. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR (PIMC), Prague, Czech Republic,
  6. Semmelweis University (SEMU), Budapest, Hungary,
  7. University of Minho, Portugal (UMINHO).

Professor Srećko Gajović
srecko.gajovic@hiim.hrThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The GlowBrain employees:
Boban Mirta, PhD
Brkić Lada, PhD
Ferhatović Hamzić Lejla, PhD
Lovrić Marija, PhD
Pavičić Josip, M.S.
Pochet Roland, Professor
Pongrac Igor, PhD
Dr. Radmilović Marin
Renić Marija, PhD
Škokić Siniša, PhD.
Ulični Olja, M.S.

Barriers to stem cell therapy include low survival and integration rate of cells. Innovative biomaterials that support formation of 3D cellular networks are required for applications in the brain.
Under the aegis of the GlowBrain (http://glowbrain.hiim.hr/) project, researchers are combining bioluminescent imaging (BLI) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to image the brain. They develop and optimise stem cells and biomaterials applications to repair damages in the mouse brain occurring after a stroke.
Combining BLI and MRI enables visualisation of the transplanted stem cells that are integrated within the mouse brain through markers such as luciferase and super paramagnetic particles.
Project recruited seven experienced scientists which develop skills in stem cells, biomaterials and in vivo imaging. Besides organization of dedicated workshops and meetings, arrangements were made for these personnel to obtain necessary training at seven project partner organisations.
For in vivo imaging, researchers purchased a small animal MRI (Bruker 7T) as well as a BLI system (Spectrum, Perkin Elmer). The mouse facility was upgraded to maintain transgenic mice required for the study.
In parallel, GLOWBRAIN established an innovation office and employed an innovation manager. This helped facilitate collaborations with other universities and intellectual property experts.
Project objectives and activities have been widely disseminated through the project website, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/GlowBrainCroatia, and YouTube profile, http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glowbrain. In addition, the team organized a regional network for regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies called RegMed, with experts from different but complementary disciplines participating.
GlowBrain has a long way to go towards developing a fully functional platform for monitoring transplanted stem cells in a mouse model of stroke. Success could help brain research and ensure faster commercialization of research results, placing the CIBR ahead in the regenerative medicine sector. This versatile platform could also be adapted to study other brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease in the future.

Partners of EU FP7 project GlowBrain:

  1. Lund Stem Cell Center (LSCC), Lund University, Sweden,
  2. Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research (MPINR), Cologne, Germany,
  3. Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (PMU), Salzburg, Austria,
  4. Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Ancona, Italy,
  5. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR (PIMC), Prague, Czech Republic,
  6. Semmelweis University (SEMU), Budapest, Hungary,
  7. University of Minho, Portugal (UMINHO).
  • Kosi, N; Alić, I; Kolačević, M; Vrsaljko, N; Jovanov Milošević, N; Sobol, M; Philimonenko, A; Hozák, P; Gajović, S; Pochet, R; Mitrečić, D. Nop2 is expressed during proliferation of neural stem cells and in adult mouse and human brain. Brain Res 2014;1597:65-76.
  • Dobrivojević M, Bohaček I, Erjavec I, Gorup D, Gajović S. Computed microtomography visualization and quantification of mouse ischemic brain lesion by nonionic radio contrast agents. Croat Med J. 2013;54(1):3-11.
  • Winters, L; Winters, T; Gorup, D; Mitrečić, D; Križ, J; Gajović, S. Expression analysis of genes involved in TLR2-related signaling pathway, inflammation and apoptosis after ischemic brain injury. Neuroscience. 2013 Feb 10;238:87-96.
  • Curlin M, Kapuralin K, Muro AF, Baralle FE, Chowdhury K, Gajović S. Stam2 expression pattern during embryo development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2012 Jan-Feb;12(1-2):68-76.
  • Bohacek I, Cordeau P, Lalancette-Hébert M, Gorup D, Weng YC, Gajović S, Kriz J. Toll-like receptor 2 deficiency leads to delayed exacerbation of ischemic injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Aug 8;9:191.