Prof. dr. sc. Nives Pećina-Šlaus
Zavod za biologiju, Laboratorij za neuro-onkologiju Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šalata 12, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Šerman, dr.med.
Zavod za biologiju, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šalata 3, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Prof.dr.sc. Reno Hrašćan,
Zavod za biokemijsko inženjerstvo, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Kršnajvoga 20, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Prof.dr.sc. Vesna Kušec
Klinički zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku
KBC Zagreb, Kišpatićeva 12, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Doc.dr.sc. Davor Tomas, dr.med.
Zavod za patologiju Ljudevit Jurak, Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice Vinogradska 29, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Doc.dr.sc. Tamara Nikuševa Martić,
Zavod za biologiju, Laboratorij za Neuroonkologiju, Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šalata 3, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Dr.sc. Anja Kafka,
Zavod za biologiju, Laboratorij za Neuroonkologiju, Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šalata 3, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Mag. oecol. et prot. nat. Anja Bukovac
Zavod za biologiju, Laboratorij za Neuroonkologiju, Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šalata 3, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Prof.dr.sc. Vili Beroš, dr.med.
Zavod za neurokirurgiju, Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice, Vinogradska cesta 29, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Dr.sc. Hrvoje Ivan Pećina, dr.med.
Zavod za radiologiju, Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice, Vinogradska cesta 29, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Dr.sc. Tomislav Vladušić,
Zavod za biokemijsko inženjerstvo, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Kršnajvoga 20, Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Martina Zeljko PhD, MD
Zavod za internu medicinu, Sveučilišna bolnica “Merkur”
Zajčeva 19, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Goran Mrak, PhD, MD
Zavod za neurokirurgiju, Klinički bolnički centar Zagreb,
School of medicine, University of Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Prof.dr.sc. Denys Neville Wheatley
Director of BioMedES
Doc.dr.sc. Darko Chudy, dr.med.
Zavod za neurokirurgiju, Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Avenija Gojka Šuška 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Fadi Almahariq, dr.med.
Domagoj Dlaka, dr.med.
Dominik Romić, dr.med.
Petar Marčinković, dr.med.
Darko Orešković, dr.med.
Anđelo Kaštelančić, dr.med.
Dr.sc. Marina Raguž, dr.med.
Prim.dr.sc. Danko Muller, dr.med.
Klinički Zavod za patologiju, Avenija Gojka Šuška 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Leon Marković, MEF
Petar-Krešimir Okštajner,MEF
Anamarija Varošanec, MEF
Monika Logara, PMF
Mateja Bačić, PMF
Petar Brlek, MEF

Laboratorij za neuroonkologiju bavi se istraživanjima molekularnih osnova humanih tumora mozga. Znanstvena istraživanja fokusirana su na genetičke promjene u tumorskom tkivu središnjeg živčanog sustava s naglaskom na gene i proteine sudionike signalnog puta wnt. Laboratorij je osnovan 2004. godine, te su se u laboratoriju provodili slijedeći znanstveni projekti: 2002-2005 Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije RH,“Uloga gena signalnog puta wnt u neoplazijama čovjeka” (0108 215) , 2007- 2013 MZOŠ, projekt “Uloga signalnog puta wnt u tumorigenezi i embriogenezi mozga” (108-1081870-1905), 2013-2014. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Potpora istraživanju, „Signalni put Wnt od membrane do jezgre tumorskih stanica mozga” ( Trenutno se provode istraživanja u sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost „Uloga signalnog puta Wnt u epitelno-mezenhimskoj tranziciji” (WNT4EMT6625). Put prijenosa signala wnt, nazvan po sekretornim signalnim proteinima wnt, često je promijenjen u tumorigenezi, a od izuzetnog je značaja u normalnom embrionalnom razvoju čovjeka, pa tako i ljudskog mozga. Najveći interes ovog laboratorija leži upravo u istraživanjima uloge gena Dishevelled, TCF/LEF, APC, beta-katenina, E-kadherina i aksina u tumorima mozga i procesu epitelno-mezenhimske transzicije. Cilj je razumijevanje molekularnih mehanizama koji upravljaju nastankom i progresijom različitih histoloških tipova tumora mozga. Laboratorij također uključuje rad na prikupljanju materijala tumorskog i zdravog tkiva za potrebe Banke tumora mozga u suradnji sa Kliničkim bolničkim centrima Zagreb i Sestre milosrdnice. Treba spomenuti i edukativnu dimenziju laboratorija i banke kao vrijedan izvor ideja i materijal za izradu znanstvnih diplomskih radova, magisterija i doktorata. U laboratoriju je do sada izrađeno ukupno 15 kvalifikacijskih radova. Voditeljica laboratorija diplomirala je 1990. godine, magistrirala 1992. na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a doktorirala 1998. na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Usavršavala se na Cold Spring Harbor Laboratorija, SAD i Georgetown University u Washingtonu D.C. U znanstvenog savjetnika izabrana je 2005, 2007. u izvanrednog profesora, a 2012. godine u redovitog profesora na Zavodu za biologiju, Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Područja kojima se bavi su genetika karcinoma, put prijenosa signala wnt, tumorigeneza, tumor supresorski geni, onkogeni, genetičke osnove tumora mozga čovjeka, RNA izrezivanje, sinteza oligonukleotida, metode molekularne biologije. Vodila je ukupno 5 znanstvenih projekata i sudjeluje na međunarodnom projektu FP7–REGPOT GlowBrain. Istraživanja u kojima je sudjelovala rezultirala su s ukupno preko 100 publikacija od čega 51 znanstvenih radova objavljenih u časopisima s međunarodnom recenzijom. Sudjelovala je na 43 znanstvena skupa od čega 8 puta s pozvanim predavanjima. Također je objavila 4 poglavlja u inozemnim znanstvenim monografijama. Citirana je do sada ukupno 385 puta u Web of Science i 417 u Scopusu. Mentorica je na ukupno 13 obranjenih radova, 3 doktorata, 3 magisterija, 7 diplomskih i 5 studentskih radova nagrađenih Rektorovom i Dekanovom nagradom. Članica je European Society of Human Genetics, Hrvatskog biološkog društva, Hrvatskog društva za istraživanje raka, European Society for Cancer Research, Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora i Hrvatskog društva za neuroznanost. Recenzent je za MZOŠ, HAZU, Slovensku agenciju za znanost, Fonda za razvoj Sveučilišta, te brojnih međunarodnih časopisa. 2010. godine imenovana je urednicom časopisa Frontiers in Bioscience, časopisa Cancer Cell International i Acta Clinica Croatica, a 2011. članicom uredničkog odbora Croatian Medical Journala. Dobitnica je 4 znanstvene nagrade od kojih je jedna Državna nagrada za znanost.

Associeate Professor Nives Pećina-Šlaus
School of Medicine University of Zagreb;
Croatian Institute for Brain Research;
Šalata 12, 10 000Zagreb,
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Team members
Ljiljana Šerman, MD, PhD, Associate professor
Department of Biology,School of Medicine, University of Zagreb,
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Reno Hrašćan, PhD, Associate professor
Department of Biochemical Engineering, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb,
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Professor Vesna Kušec
Clinical department for laboratory diagnostics
University Clinical Hospital Zagreb,School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Tamara Nikuševa Martić, PhD, Assistant professor
Department of Biology, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine University of Zagreb
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Davor Tomas, MD, PhD, Assistant professor
Ljudevit Jurak Department of Pathology, University Hospital "Sisters of Charity", This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anja Kafka, PhD, Research assistant
Department of Biology, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine University of Zagreb
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Anja Bukovac, BS, MS, Research assistant
Department of Biology, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine University of Zagreb
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Vili Beroš, MD, PhD, Associate professor
Department of Neurosurgery, University hospital „Sisters of Mercy“,
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Hrvoje Ivan Pećina, MD, PhD
Department of Radiology, University hospital „Sisters of Mercy“,
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Tomislav Vladušić, PhD, Senior assistant
Department of Biochemical Engineering, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
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Martina Zeljko PhD, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, University hospital “Merkur”
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Goran Mrak, PhD, MD
Department of neurosurgery University Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
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Prof.dr.sc. Denys Neville Wheatley
Director of BioMedES
Darko Chudy, PhD, MD
Department of neurosurgery, Clinical Hospital Dubrava, Avenija Gojka Šuška 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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Fadi Almahariq, MD
Domagoj Dlaka, MD
Dominik Romić, MD
Petar Marčinković, MD
Darko Orešković, MD
Anđelo Kaštelančić, MD
Marina Raguž, PhD, MD
Danko Muller, PhD, MD
Klinički Zavod za patologiju, Avenija Gojka Šuška 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
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Leon Marković, MF
Petar-Krešimir Okštajner,MF
Anamarija Varošanec, MF
Monika Logara, PMF
Mateja Bačić, PMF
Josip Skoko, PMF
Marina Morić, PMF
Petar Brlek, MF

The Laboratory for Neurooncology is studying the molecular basis of human brain tumors. The research focuses on genetic abnormalities in brain tumors with emphasis on genes that are key components of the wnt signaling pathway. The laboratory was founded in 2004, and following research projects were conducted in the laboratory: 2002-2005 Ministry of Science and Technology, "The role of the wnt signaling pathway genes in human neoplasms" (0108 215), 2007- 2013 Ministry of Science, entitled "The role of the wnt signaling pathway in tumorigenesis and embryogenesis of the brain "(108-1081870-1905), 2013-2014. University of Zagreb, support for research, "Wnt signaling pathway from the membrane to the nucleus of tumor cells of the brain" ( We are currently conducting research project funded by Croatian Science Foundation "The role of the Wnt signaling pathway in epithelial to mesenchymal transition" (WNT4EMT6625). Wnt signaling, named after the secretory signaling proteins wnt, is often changed in tumorigenesis, and is also critical in human brain developmental processes. Our particular interest lies in studying changes in Dishevelled, TCF/LEF, APC, beta-catenin and E-cadherin and Axin genes in order to understand molecular and genetic mechanisms that govern the formation and progression of different types of brain tumors and in the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. The goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms that govern the initiation and progression of different histological types of brain tumors. The Laboratory of Neurooncology is also involved in the formation of the bank of brain tumor tissues. In collaboration with the Clinical Hospital Centers Zagreb and Sisters of Mercy we collected and stored an extensive Brain tumor bank resource and encourage young scientists and students to research in neurooncolgy. We should mention the educational dimension of laboratory and Brain tumor bank as a valuable source of ideas and materials to produce graduate, master and PhD thesis. The lab has so far produced a total of 15 theses. Nives Pecina-Slaus Head of the Laboratory is full professor at the department of biology Medical School University of Zagreb. She has received her B.S. in 1990. her M.S. in 1992. from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Math and Sciences, and her Ph.D. in the field of molecular oncology in 1998. from Medical School University of Zagreb. She was trained at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, and at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. She was granted as prinicpal investigator 5 scientific projects. She is a collaborator on the international project FP7–REGPOT GlowBrain. Her resarch has led to publication of more than 100 publications – 51 scientific papers, a book, abstracts, 7 book chapters and professional papers. She was cited 385 times in Web of Science and 417 in Scopus. Her main fields of reseach are cancer genetics, Wnt signaling pathway, brain tumorigenesis, tumor suppressor genes, oncogenes, genetic profiles of brain tumors. She acts as a reviewer for many scientific peer-reviewed journals and is a member on editorial boards of Frontiers in Bioscience, Acta Clinica Croatica, Cancer Cell International, Croatian Medical Journal. She teaches Medical biology and was mentor on numberous theses (13 theses) and mentor on four papers rewarded by Rector's award. She was awarded four scientific awards, among which is National Science Award in 2011. She is a member of Croatian Society of Human Genetics, Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Biological Society, European Society for Human Genetics, European Association for Cancer Research, Croatian Society for Neuroscience.She acts as a reviewer for Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatia, for Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) for National council for university education, many scientific peer-reviewed journals. She is a member on editorial boards of scientific journals Frontiers in Bioscience, Acta Clinica Croatica, Cancer Cell International, Croatian Medical Journal and Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy

  • Pećina-Šlaus N, Majić Ž, Musani V, Zeljko M, Čupić H. Report on mutation in exon 15 of the APC gene in a case of brain metastasis. J Neurooncol. 97; 143-148; 2010.
  • Pećina-Šlaus N, Nikuševa Martić T, Deak AJ, Zeljko M, Hrašćan R. Genetic and protein changes of E-cadherin in meningiomas. J Cancer Res Clin. Oncol. 136; 695-702; 2010.
  • Pećina-Šlaus N, Nikuševa Martić T, Zeljko M, Bulat S. Brain metastases exhibit gross deletions of the APC gene. Brain Tumor Pathol. 28; 223-228, 2011.
  • Pećina-Šlaus N, Cicvara-Pecina T, Kafka A. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition: possible role in meningiomas. E4, 889-896, 2012.
  • Nikuševa-Martić, T. Šerman L, Zeljko M, Vidas Ž, Gašparov S, Zeljko HM, Kosović M, Pećina-Šlaus N: Expression of Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 1 and 3, T-cell Factor 1 and Lymphoid Enhancer Factor 1 in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Pathol. Oncol. Res. 2013;19(3):545-551
  • Pećina-Šlaus N. Merlin the NF2 gene product. Pathol. Oncol. Res. 2013;19(3):365-373.
  • Kafka, A. Tomas, D. Beroš, V. Pećina, H.I. Zeljko, M. Pećina-Šlaus, N. Brain metastases from lung cancer show increased expression of DVL1, DVL3 and beta-catenin and down regulation of E-cadherin. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15(6): 10635-10651, 2014, doi:10.3390/ijms150610635
  • Pećina-Šlaus, N. Kafka, A. Tomas, M. Marković, L. Okštajner, P.K. Sukser, V. Krušlin, B. Wnt signaling transcription factors TCF-1 and LEF-1 are upregulated in malignant astrocytic brain tumors. Histol Histopathol, 29: 1557-1564, 2014.
  • Kafka A, Bašić-Kinda S, Pećina-Šlaus N. The cellular story of dishevelleds. Croat Med J. 2014 Oct;55(5):459-67.
  • Pećina-Šlaus N, Gotovac K, Kafka A, Tomas D, Borovečki F. Genetic changes observed in a case of adult pilocytic astrocytoma revealed by array CGH analysis. Mol Cytogenet. 2014 Dec 23;7(1):95. doi: 10.1186/s13039-014-0095-2. eCollection 2014.