Prof. Nataša Jovanov Milošević,
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Nataša Kuretić, vet. tehničar, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Valentina Ban Lugarić, vet. tehničar, 6889, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Imenovani veterinar
Dr.sc. Jadranka Bubić Špoljar, dr.med.vet.
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Odsjek za laboratorijske životinje HIIM u suradnji sa nastavnim i istraživačkim timovima HIIM-a i MF-a, doprinositi izvrsnosti istraživanja koja se provode, osiguravajući kvalitetan uzgoj, držanje i njegu laboratorijskih životinja. Primarni cilj odsjeka je da uz osiguravanje najviših standarda držanja i korištenja laboratorijskih životinjama zaštiti zdravlje ljudi koji rade sa ili oko životinja.
Vjerujemo da su najviši standardi u korištenju i dobrobit životinja, preduvjet za izvrsnost u znanosti i edukaciji koja koristi animalne modele.
Životinje koje koristimo u edukaciji i istraživanjima na HIIM-a su u programu zaštite dobrobiti životinja koji je osmišljen tako da se zadovolje svi kriteriji definirani hrvatskom zakonskom regulativom (Zakon o zaštiti životinja NN 135/06 i 37/13, Pravilnik o zaštiti životinja koje se koriste u znanstvene svrhe NN55/13, te pravni akti javnog zdravstva .
Odsjek za laboratorijske životinje HIIM-a je registriran i odobren za uzgoj držanje i korištenje laboratorijskih glodavaca za edukativne i istraživačke svrhe od strane Uprave za veterinarstvo i sigurnost hrane pri Ministarstva poljoprivrede RH od 2013. godine (HR- POK006).

Assoc. prof. Natasa Jovanov Milosevic, Head
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Nataša Kuretić, vet. technician
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Valentina Ban Lugarić, vet. technician
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Attending Veterinarian
Dr.sc. Jadranka Bubić Špoljar, dr.med.vet. 6889, 6893
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The LAS works cooperatively and collaboratively with research and educational teams enhancing research excellence providing highest quality animal care. Our overarching goals are to assure laboratory animal’s quality care while protect the health of people who work with and around animals.
We believe that excellence in research and teaching requires excellence in animal care and use program.
Animals that are used in research and teaching at LAS CIBR are covered by our Animal Care and Use Program. The LAS CIBR program is designed to assure that it is in compliance with the EU Directive 63/10 and Croatian Animal Welfare Regulation Acts (NN135/06; NN 37/13; NN55/13) and Public Health Policy. The LAS CIBR maintains accreditation for laboratory animals care and use for educational and research purposes by Croatian Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate (HR-POK006).
In general, Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH, Ed. 8th, 2011) serves as the primary source for standards in procedures used in the LAS CIBR. Additional detailed information regarding policies and guidance may be found through links from the Animal Welfare Committee of the UZMF website.

LAS CIBR covers animal housing and care, veterinary medical care, facilities management, training, occupational health, and assurance of compliance with EU and Croatian laws and policies that govern use of animals in research and teaching.

Services provided include: animal procurement, animal housing space assignment, maintenance of genetically altered colonies, animal health surveillance, day-to-day care and oversight, procurement of appropriate feed, bedding, cages, other supplies and equipment, animal cage sanitation, monitoring of animal room environment, sanitation of animal facilities, maintenance of facility and equipment, waste and carcass disposal, maintenance of facility security system, human termination of animals. The veterinary microbiological monitoring and pathology services are performed by the outsourced accredited laboratories. Researchers also may have training, consultation on animal model selection and assistance in animal use protocol development.
Animal Housing Availability
Any investigator who wishes to conduct research with animals should contact the Attending Veterinarian by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , as soon as possible to determine the availability of space required to perform your animal subject-based research.