Doc. dr. sc. Maja Cepanec (logoped),

Prof. dr. sc. Draženka Blaži (logoped)
Dr.sc. Blaženka Brozović (logoped)
Doc. dr. sc. Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (logoped)
Prof. dr. sc. Marta Ljubešić (psiholog)
Dr.sc. Sanja Šimleša (psiholog)

Laboratorij za istraživanje dječje komunikacije (LIDEK) osnovan je 2001. godine pod imenom Laboratorij za razvojnu neurolingvistiku i vodstvom prof.dr.sc. Marte Ljubešić. Laboratorij je nastao temeljem ugovora Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga, a utemeljen je na dugogodišnjoj suradnji stručnjaka iz biomedicinskih i bihevioralnih znanosti uključenih u istraživanje ranog razvoja.

Istraživanje razvoja komunikacije, jezika i govora, te razvojnih odstupanja u navedenim područjima
Istraživanje uloge i međuodnosa viših kognitivnih funkcija u razvoju komunikacije, jezika i govora u različitim kliničkim populacijama
Istraživanje povezanosti neurobiološke osnove i bihevioralnih razvojnih pokazatelja u djece urednog i narušenog razvoja
Istraživanje utjecaja okolinskih čimbenika (roditeljski stilovi, različiti terapijski pristupi i sl.) na razvojne ishode
Razvoj dijagnostičkog instrumentarija za procjenu ranog dječjeg razvoja

Analiza ključnih bihevioralnih obilježja djece s autizmom u predškolskoj dobi kao pretpostavka kvantifikacije razvojnih profila (UNIZG)
Autism Diagnostic Observation with Robot Evaluator (ADORE) (HZZ)
Od rane komunikacije do pismenosti u djece s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra: uloga izvršnih funkcija (UNIZG)
Uvođenje sustava znanstveno utemeljene (rane) dijagnostike autizma u Republiku Hrvatsku (Zaklada Adris, HEP, HT)
Kognitivni i jezični razvoj u djece s neurorazvojnim rizikom (MZOŠ)
Rani komunikacijski i jezični razvoj u djece s ranim mozgovnim oštećenjima (MZOŠ)

Assistant Professor Maja Cepanec, PhD, SLP

Professor Draženka Blaži, PhD, SLP
Blaženka Brozović, PhD, SLP
Assistant Professor Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša, PhD, SLP
Professor Marta Ljubešić, PhD, Psychologist
Sanja Šimleša, PhD, Psychologist

Child Communication Research Laboratory was founded in 2001 by professor Marta Ljubešić as Developmental Neurolinguistics Lab, based on the agreement between the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (University of Zagreb) and Croatian Institute for Brain Research. It was grounded on long-lasting cooperation between biomedical and behavioral scientists.

To study development and developmental disabilities of communication, language and speech
To study the roles and interrelations of higher cognitive functions in the development of communication, language and speech in various clinical populations
To study interrelations between neurobiological and behavioral developmental indicators
To study the role of environmental factors (e.g. parenting styles, intervention programmes etc. on developmental outcomes
To develop various measuring instruments for the assessement of early child development

Analysis of key developmental features in preschool children with autism as prerequisite of quantification (UNIZG)
Autism Diagnostic Observation with Robot Evaluator (ADORE) (HZZ)
From early communication to literacy in children with autism spectrum disorder: the role of executive functions (UNIZG) Implementation of science-based (early) assessment of autism in Croatia (Zaklada Adris, HEP, HT)
Cognitive and language development in children at neurodevelopmental risk (MZOŠ)
Early communication and language developmenet in children with early brain injury (MZOŠ)

  • Šimleša, S., Cepanec, M. (2015). Development of executive functions during childhood. U: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. New York: Elsevier.
  • Kuvač-Kraljević, J., Cepanec, M., Šimleša, S. (2014). Gestural development and its relation to a child`s early vocabulary. Infant Behav Dev, 37, 192-202.
  • Cepanec, M., Lice, K., Šimleša, S. (2012). Mother-father differences in screening for developmental delay in infants and toddlers. J Commun Disord, 45(4), 255-262.
  • Polšek, D., Jagatić, M., Cepanec, M., Hof, P.R., Šimić, G. (2011). Recent developments in neuropathology of autism spectrum disorders. Transl Neurosci, 2(3), 256-264.
  • Ivšac Pavliša, J., Šimleša, S., Ljubešić, M. (2011). Cognitive abilities and language comprehension in preschool children with perinatal brain lesion. Collegium Antropol, 35, 31-38.
  • Cepanec, M., Gmajnić, I., Ljubešić, M. (2010). Early communication development in socially deprived children - similar to autism? Transl Neurosci, 1(3), 244-254.
  • Ivšac Pavliša, J. (2010). Atypical communicative development and socioadaptive functioning in the early age. Drus Istraz, 19 (1-2), 279-303.