Mario Vukšić
Izvanredni profesor neuroznanosti
Šalata 12, 10 000, Zagreb
Akademik Ivica Kostović Miloš Judaš Zdravko Petanjek Nataša Jovanov-Milošević Željka Krsnik Goran Sedmak
Vinka Kovačević,
Danica Budinščak, lab. Ing.
Razvoj ljudskog mozga je vrlo složen i dugotrajan proces. U našem laboratoriju koristimo različite histološke metode kako bismo istraživali osobitosti razvoja ljudskog mozga. Neke od histoloških i histokemijski metoda koje koristimo su: Golgi i biocitin metode za prikaz cijelih neurona, AChE histokemija, NADPH histokemija, Nisslovo bojanje, Weigertovo bojanje, bojanje po Gallyas-u, srebrnu modifikaciju Nisslova bojanja, PAS-AB bojanje, itd.
Znanstveni interesi:
Razvoj subtalamičke zone i njezina uloga u patogenezi razvojnih poremećaja mozga.
Razvoj hipokampusa i povezanih struktura.
Morfološka i biokemijska analiza neurona bijele tvari.
Korelacija histoloških preparata s snimkama magnetske rezonance.
Razvoj asocijativnih (dugih i kratkih) putova u mozgu čovjeka.
Trenutno aktivni projekti u laboratoriju:
Ivica Kostović: Subplate zona ljudskog mozga: neriješeni problemi (HRZZ projekt broj 4517)
Miloš Judaš: Development of cell-type specific expression of human transcriptome in language- and mirror neuron-system related cortical network (HRZZ projekt)
Mario Vukšić: Histological, MRI and gene expression analysis of the reorganizational processes in the medial (limbic) wall of developing human cerebrum (HRZZ projekt)
Associtate Professor Mario Vukšić
Professor of Neuroscience
Šalata 12, 10 000 Zagreb
Professor emeritus Ivica Kostović
Professor Miloš Judaš
Associate Professor Zdravko Petanjek
Associate Professor Nataša Jovanov Milošević
Asisstant Professor Željka Krsnik
Assistant Professor Goran Sedmak
Vinka Kovačević, MD
Danica Budinščak, lab. Ing.
Development of the human brain is very complex and long process. In our laboratory, we use various histological methods in order to elucidate specificites of the human brain development. Histochemistry methods are still very useful methods in developmental neuroanatomy research. In this laboratory the following methods are performed: Golgi and byocitn methods for staining whole single neuron, AChE histochemistry, NADPH histochemistry, Nissl staining, Weigert staining, Gallyas staining, Ag-Nissl staining, PAS-AB staining, etc.
Scientific scope:
Development of the subplate zone and its role in the pathogenesis of developmental brain disorders.
Development of the hippocampus and related stuctures.
Morphological and biochemical analysis of the interstitial neurons of the white matter.
Correlation of histological and MRI images.
Development of associative pathways (long and short) in the human brain.
Ongoing projects:
Ivica Kostović: Subplate zone of the human brain: unsolved problems. (CSF research grant)
Miloš Judaš: Development of cell-type specific expression of human transcriptome in language- and mirror neuron-system related cortical network (CSF reserach grant)
Mario Vukšić: Histological, MRI and gene expression analysis of the reorganizational processes in the medial (limbic) wall of developing human cerebrum (CSF research grant)